Monday, January 9, 2017

Muhammad Ali's; "A Pint of kindness..."

" A pint of kindness..."

Muhammad Ali's Recipe For Being Remembered

With just the first week of the 2017 New Year behind us, it seems, sadly, business as usual around the world. I have read plenty pessimism through out my Social Media outlets and sense fear coming from so many friends and loved ones from all over the world.

Time's are tough and it appears to have no end in sight. At least not in the near future. Not at this very moment.

Change starts in us. In you. And starting with me.

Rebekah is always reminding me to have "FAITH" in myself. She teaches me that we should all have faith in each other, the brotherhood and sisterhood of Man.

Ali was a good man, and yet, still a fighter.

Even during the heat of battle, during a very challenging time in American History, Muhammed Ali, reminds us that how we treat each other is far more important than our accomplishments.

Here is the transcript:

When asked by David Frost, "What would you like people to think of you when you've gone?"

Mohammad Ali:
I'd like for them to say: He took a few cups of love.
He took one tablespoon of patience,
One teaspoon of generosity,
One pint of kindness.
He took one quart of laughter,
One pinch of concern.
And then, he mixed willingness with happiness.
He added lots of faith,
And he stirred it up well.
Then he spred it over a span of a lifetime,
And he served it to it to each and every deserving person he met.

Friends, can we do better this week?

I will go first.

Your Real Estate Agent,

Andy Martinez Jr.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year from Andy Martinez Jr. Realty

Happy New Year from Andy Martinez Jr. Realty

Dear Friends,
It was an amazing 2016 for all of us here at AMJ Realty. We could not have done it without all of your love and support.
We are truly blessed for all of the clients, friends, family and business associates in our lives. AMJ Realty experienced tremendous growth professionally and personally. The referrals from many of you has everything to do with that growth. Please keep them coming. It makes my work a lot more rewarding when they happen.
The night before Thanksgiving, Rebekah and I hosted what was to be a "small" party that turned out to be more of a bash. A lot of unexpected guests turned out and plenty of our usual suspects, too. Rebekah and I both walked away from the evening realizing how very fortunate we are to be surrounded by so many great people that care for us. I want you to know that we care very much about ya'll (in Rebekah's Texas draw) too!
With the New Year in full swing, yes it's 2017, we want to invite all of you to continue being a part of our professional community and make some new friends along the way.
There will be many big announcements in the coming months and we are thinking about having our next party sometime in February here in Los Angeles. How does Korea Town sound?

Houston, Miami, you are next!!
Here's a big announcement: During the holiday break, our 6 year old Enzo finally learned to ride his bike without training wheels! Pedestrians, you have been warned.
Please have a safe and wonderful 2017 and let us know all of the exciting things that are going on with you!
Your Real Estate Agent,

Andy Martinez Jr. 
Cell: (310) 597-2089
CalBRE# 01978202